Religion 101: Taoism, Judaism, & Confucianism

Taoism Pics

April 20, 2009
This is a pic of a yin-yang which is also the symbol for Taoism.

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This is a pic of the other symbol for Taoism.

This is a pic of a Taoist Ceramony.

Confucianism Pics

April 20, 2009
This is a pic of the symbol for Confucianism.

This is a pic of the creator of Confucianism.

This is a pic of a book on Confucianism.
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Judaism Pics

April 20, 2009
This is a pic of the Star of David.

This is a pic of a Menorah.
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The 101 on Taoism

April 20, 2009

Place of Origin: China

Founder: Lao – Tze

Date Founded: c. 550 B.C.E.

Number of Current Followers: 20 million

 Sacred Texts:

+Tao Te Ching: a book on the purpose of life

+Chuang – Tzu: a teacher of the Taoism belief’s manual

 Code of Conduct:

          +Must live in accordance with the Tao

 Place of Worship:


Key Beliefs and Practices:



 Purpose of Life:

          +Inner Harmony




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The 101 on Judaism

April 17, 2009

Place of Origin: Mesopotamia
Founder: Abraham
Date Founded: 1300 B.C.E.
Number of Current Followers: 14,000,000
Sacred Text: Torah- The Jewish Bible & Tanakh- a book that consists of the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings
Code of Conduct: Must believe you have a special relationship with God.
Place of Worship: Synagogue
Key Beliefs and Practices: Obey the law and atone from sin.
Purpose of Life: Obey God
Holidays: Jewish New Year- the celebration of the birth of Judaism, Hanakah: the 8 day celebrat...

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The 101 on Confucianism

April 16, 2009

Place of Origin: China
Founder: Kung Fu Tzu
Date Founded: 549 B.C.E.
Number of Current Followers: 5,500,000
Sacred Text: Analet- the Confucian Bible
Code of Conduct: Must Fulfill the Purpose of Life.
Place of Worship: none
Key Beliefs & Practices: Be the best person you can be.
Purpose of Life: to fulfill popularity
Holidays: The only Confucian holiday is the celebration of the day it was created.
Holy Sites: none
Websites Used to Find Information:

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Hey people of the internet. My name is Erica and I am in seventh grade at Callanan Middle School in Des Moines Iowa. I am in Mr. Loew's social studies class and this blog is a project for his class. ttyl ;) ErIcA hArPeR


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